Tips for Saving Kitchen Necessities Shopping Costs

When shopping for daily necessities, sometimes you like crazy, Bun. All kinds of goods and groceries want to be bought. It’s not really necessary though. Then, prefer to buy food ingredients that are in the ad at high prices. Well, that way of shopping is wasteful.

Reported by Parenting, here are some tips to save on shopping costs that can help you streamline household expenses.


Before going to the supermarket or market, try to make a list of items and groceries that you need and need to buy. Check the refrigerator and food storage first. If some needs are still there, there’s no need to buy them, right? So, you only buy the ingredients you need. It’s not wasteful.

Buy local and in-season ingredients

Buying fruits and vegetables in season is indeed a frugal shopping alternative, Bun. Because when the harvest season, vegetables and fruits are abundant, the price is cheaper, and the taste is also good. Local vegetables and fruit are also usually sold at a lower price. But, make sure the quality is still good.

Buy frozen fruits and vegetables

One trick to save money on shopping, buy frozen vegetables that usually only needed a little and occasionally. For example, peas and corn to mix fried rice. In addition, these frozen vegetables can also be stored for later, right. So you won’t be wasting food.

Pick a brand

Sometimes, there are some branded foods sold at a higher price. In fact, the quality is the same as the cheaper one. Only the cost of packaging and advertising is more expensive. For example wheat flour. If according to you, the quality and function are the same, it’s better to buy a cheap one.

Shopping in bulk

For food ingredients that can last a long time and are used frequently, it is better to buy in bulk. For example, the family used to eat rice every day in large quantities. Well, you can buy a sack of rice directly from the agent and the price of rice will be cheaper. Other ingredients such as flour, sugar, and so on, if they are used frequently, you can try buying them wholesale.


In some supermarkets there are usually leaflets containing discounts on some foods. You can cook food from ingredients that are being promoted. Before that, make sure you know the original price so you won’t be fooled by ads

Use reusable bottles

Instead of buying packaged drinks such as juice, soda, or bottled mineral water, it is better to fill water or juice in durable drinking bottles. In addition to contributing to protecting the environment, families are also more efficient and more awake from drinks that contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories.

Get creative with leftovers

Finished making the sponge, but the children didn’t finish the sponge made because they were bored. Don’t throw it away, bud. Leftovers that are still in good condition can still be created into different forms of food. For example, the sponge is crushed and shaped into a ball, then covered with chocolate to make it interesting. This way, no more food is wasted.

Plan before shopping

It’s important, bud. Make sure the stomachs of mothers and children are full when shopping. Before shopping, it’s better to eat at home first. So as not to be tempted by snacks and food in the market or supermarket. Shopping can also be more focused.

Monthly shopping needs, of course, include basic needs, right, Bun. Regarding the management of household expenses, financial planner Debby Prazna Okky said that the right thing is to meet monthly expenses from monthly income.

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